Restaurants & Pubs In Henton, Chinnor - The Peacock Country Hotel in Oxfordshire

Opening Times

Restaurant Opening Times

Breakfast - Breakfast is only available to hotel guests.

Monday to Friday

  • 7:00am to 9:00am

Saturday and Sunday

  • 7:30 am to 9:30am


Monday to Saturday

  • Lunch – 12:00pm to 2:00 pm
  • Dinner – 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm


  • Lunch/Dinner – 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm

Bar Opening Times

Monday to Saturday

  • 12:00pm to 10:00 pm


  • 12:00pm to 8:00 pm

Restaurant and Bar more information:

Bank Holidays

We are open as usual on bank holidays.


Closed on December 25th and December 26th 2024.

Rooms and apartments are available with limited service.